Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What to do with kale? Green juice/smoothies!

I am loving all the greens I have on the balcony. The community garden also produced lots of kale and collards. I have quite a few bags full of greens in my freezer. I've been looking for new ways to use these greens. I've tried salad, kale chips and various ways to cook them down. One my favorite gardening youtuber, John Kohler, is a raw foodist. I am fascinated by this lifestyle - they do not heat food over 100-something degrees. I don't agree with the scientific explanation for why this type of diet is healthy, but you can't go wrong with eating lots of fruits and vegetables.  Some of the ways John consumes the bucketload of greens he grows is by juicing them or making green smoothies. So...after thinking about it for about 6 months I finally did it. I got a VITAMIX!!!
I've wanted the Vitamix to make tofu since my home blender cannot break down the soy beans fine enough. This Vitamix is powerful (and expensive)! I've been enjoying green smoothies in the mornings. It is pretty fantastic. I've also been making green juice. First I blend everything in the Vitamix and then I strain it through a cheese cloth. This actually takes forever but I'm not ready to commit to a juicer just yet. I prefer to figure out a better way to strain the pulp after blending. Tonight I blended kale (from farmer's market), grapes, oranges and ginger.
And after straining, the green juice looks like this.
This juice is really good. The grape+kale combination is my favorite so far. This vitamix was a very good investment!


  1. Will you be growing edamame next year? (Their MY FAVORITE!) And for the juicer instead of adding water I add one of my suyo cukes instead ice cube i add frozen banana. recycled celery from the garden, spinach(IHATEKALE!), Raab broccoli leaves, carrot, sugarcane juice(IHATESTEVIA) as well as pineapple or orange juice

    1. will you be growing fruit trees in your property? I'm growing Strawberries(4in by 6in 20 strawberries , Pomegranate 8inch by 6inch 1 fruit , Fig8inch by 6inch 10 fruit, Pineapple 8inch by 6inch 2 fruit , Kaffir Lime8inch by 6inch 2 fruit , Blood Orange8inch by 6inch 1 fruit , Muscadine Grape 8inch by 6inch 1 bunch of grapes, Rambutan8inch by 6inch hasnt fruited , Meyer Lemon8inch by 6inch 1 fruit, Kumquat8inch by 6inch 7 fruits , And 12in by 12 Sugarcane That I bought at Whole foods. THERE ALL IN CONTAINERS and are delicious!

    2. Wow Jose. May I ask, which zone do you live in? Unfortunately, I have many fruit allergies but I can eat citrus. I have some yuzu citrus plants that I hope will grow some fruit in the future sometime. I'd be interested in blood orange and rambutan - I love rambutan but doesn't that become a tree? I'd love to see pictures if you have any:) I also want to try growing blueberries in a container - unfortunately I killed one plant already. Did you grow all your fruit trees from seed?

    3. Miami, Zone 10b. I Live in a similar situation like your porch only bigger and I have stairs to go down Into a lagoon and fish, too. I Started the Kaffir Lime From seed. And The Rambutan I saw a tree with red fruit that seemed familiar and I did spotted some baby trees growing so I digged them up. I Don't have any pictures. I Don't Have a blog. But I'll Try. I'm not growing blueberries cause im allergic to most berries(but not strawberries the most common one) . Have you tried growing corn ?

    4. I have not tried growing corn yet. Is it easy? It seems like corn is one thing you would need a little space? Well, let me know if you start a blog:) I'd love to see all your plants. It sounds like you have great variety.

  2. you should check out the fusian living blog: http://www.fusianliving.com/2012/09/field-vole-uk.html#more its awesome

  3. I have a lot hatred towards Beets, but that's not stopping me from making red velvet cake with Lavender (Do you grow or plant on growing Lavender?) It's wonderful, & Kaffir Lime Sugarcane Frosting. & Beets tried making beets with Wasabi sauce with Green Garlic, Dill, and Wasabi or Horseradish sauce. I'm growing all!

    1. You are growing wasabi? How do you do that? In water? I have to find kaffir lime somewhere to get cuttings from. Love the smell of the plant!

    2. May I ask what's your name? I've always wondered. And the Wasabi( I bought it online) I'm growing it in a clear foot sized deli or supermarket which I drilled holes bought with sphagnum peat moss from the dollar store mulch with river rock to look nice and i stuck it into a 5 gallon drainless asian or oriental like pot and i have atlantic fish in there too. to keep the mosquitoes away. And It's Complete shade it only gets 2 hours off sun.

    3. Wow, do you have a blog or pictures of the wasabi? I'm curious. I'm Japanese (my name is Toshiko) so I've seen wasabi farms back home. I remember they were saying you need clean water to grow wasabi so I'd be curious to see your setup!

  4. I have to try that grape kale combo. We usually do some combo of apple, carrot, beet, kale - when we think of it.

    1. Yes, it is a great combination. I'm going to investigate more...since I gave in a bought a juicer too!
