Monday, July 9, 2012

Harvest Monday - July 9, 2012

This has been a rough second year of gardening, but I am getting some harvest. The kale is still growing strong - I wonder if it will keep going through winter. I'm looking forward to winter kale soup, but for now I'm adding kale to anything I can. The rest is being blanched then frozen. 
I harvested a bowl of jalapeno that I hope to make jelly and pickle. I also harvested one longhorn pepper - which I thought was going to be sweet but turns out to be really spicy! I don't really know what to do with it. I'm wondering if I can pickle it or freeze it. I know I've seen it in some korean dishes using this type of hot pepper - I'll have to ask some of my Korean friends for some recipe ideas. I'm also getting some more ichiban eggplants! I just love these eggplants!

The early girl bush tomatoes are ripening slowly. The plant is not making producing any flowers - maybe it is too hot or maybe it is done fruiting.
I keep forgetting to take pictures of the baby summer squash I've been harvesting, but I did remember to take a picture of the biggest one I harvested last week. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it.
I'm joining Daphne for Harvest Monday to share my harvest with gardeners around the world!


  1. Wow, those tomatoes look like they are neon red!

    1. Yes, they are really bright this point they look prettier than they taste:) The taste is getting better as the season goes on.

  2. If the squash doesn't have large seeds in it, you could slice it and an eggplant up and grill them on the BBQ. Just brush them with oil and a little sprinkle of salt and pepper. They are delicious that way. If it has large seeds it may be easier to scrape them out, cube the flesh and toss it into a stir fry, or something similar. There's also my favorite option: zucchini bread!

    1. When I get the larger zucchini, I am going to try the zucchini bread!

  3. I've been having squash salad; cubed raw squash with tomatoes, pesto, olives and feta.

    1. Yum, it that sounds great. I noticed that if I eat too much raw zucchini, my stomach gets upset.
